Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Women...Wine...Wonderful: Wine Sisterhood's Gathering 2012

I hate that it has taken me a month to write about my trip to Napa.  Since I've been back, life circumstances have made it hard to write about anything but this…this experience is just nearly impossible to put into words.

Getting the invitation to attend the first annual Wine Sisterhood Gathering came at a time when I needed something "good."
I was literally spent.
At that time, #Flawless12 wasn't even an idea and I hadn't started working yet. 
I was tired. Emotionally, physically, financially, and creatively drained.
I'd given every ounce of everything in me to someone or something else. I needed something to look forward to.
Something just for me.
A weekend all about celebrating and empowering women and completely centered around wine?
No shrink's prescription could be better!

If you follow me on any social networks, you undoubtedly got inundated with my status updates and pictures of the daily events of the trip. You probably hated me. It's okay because I would have hated me too. The wine (beginning at 10:30am), The food. The fun and friends. The wine. All of the hateration being thrown in my direction was definitely merited. I happily accepted it.

Aside from just being in beautiful Napa, California and experiencing the amazing wineries and restaurants we toured, basking in the ambiance of pure "sisterhood" was the best part.
Women of diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.
Winemakers and wine-takers.
Budding Bloggers and Digital Divas.
Building lasting friendships through our similarities and our differences.
Wine being the tie that binds.
I truly love all of the new friends I've made.

This trip particularly holds a special place in my heart because I was able to strengthen the bond with friends I already had. Spending that time with some of my bestest blog-buddies, Aliza Sherman, Carol Cain, Danielle Smith, and Nirasha Janganath, was nothing short of precious. Being stretched across the entire country does not afford us the opportunity to see each other often…but when we do…it is a genuine homecoming. I am among family.

It was also extra special because this was probably among the last…if not THE last trip "The BlogRollers" will ever take together. Being there with Lorraine Robertson made me miss the "old days" where we were never without one another on trips like these. Joined at the hip…the bobsy-twins…it was good to be back even if it was just for a minute. I am so glad that we shared this experience together. Our Thelma and Louise moment that meant the world to me. We will always be #BlogRollers4Life

Leaving was literally painful. The wine I brought home and the memories dull the ache. I'm already saving up for next year :)


  1. It was an AMAZING trip - specially to share it with you!

    Girl, well always be BlogRollin'!

    Love & Hugs
    Wifey aka Louise ;)

  2. And I miss you all over again. You are just a wonderful, wonderful person - I so love seeing you. Soon. It must happen again soon.

  3. "Among family" for sure. Sisters without a doubt. Can't wait to connect again soon!

  4. Looks like you had an amazing time. I don't drink, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed myself.


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