Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Chef" Gets You In Your Feels And Feeds Your Soul

Pardon me for double dipping on the movie review posts but this was a necessity.
(and I'm writing again so this is a good thing!)
This is not about an advanced screening.
This film is already in theaters so I saw it on my dime... and let me tell you... 
This little indie film called "Chef" is more than worth the price of admission!

Now, I've seen some really good movies lately...
But it's been a very long time since I've seen a movie that made me feel really good.
Chef is that movie.

I'm a touchy-feely, emotional person by nature.  
It's nothing for me to cry in a movie especially when I can relate to the plot and/or characters.
Chef got me in my feels in a different way.
It more than touched my heart... 
It literally made my soul smile from the inside out.
I'm still feeling it!

Chef stars Jon Favreau, who also wrote and directed it.
You may not know who he is by name, but I guarantee you've seen him before.
He's one of those actors usually in small supporting roles that you see in a lot of stuff but never really pay that much attention to...
At least that's who he was to me.
Now that I've seen what he's capable of behind the scenes as well as in front of the camera in a starring role... I think I have a little crush.
He pulled together a spectacular star-studded cast to bring his brilliantly written characters to life.
I will be shocked (and slightly devastated) if the accolades for this film do not include (at the very least) SAG or Golden Globe nominations.

In addition to an amazing screenplay, stellar acting, and the mouthwatering food (which, quite honestly, is a character in itself)... what really made this film a masterpiece for me was the music.
A little old-school Soul... Jazz... a dash of Hip-Hop... a hearty helping of Salsa...
Definitely a high-ranking contributing factor to why I continue to have the warm-fuzzies about this film.
I totally downloaded the soundtrack the instant I got home.

So what is Chef about? 
Honestly, I don't want to tell you.
In fact... DO NOT watch any trailers.
I don't want you to be spoiled in any way.
Just search your local theater listings, find it, and go see it.
Seriously... It IS that movie!
Those of you who know me... either in person or have a pretty good idea what I'm about from what you see and read online... will know exactly why this movie had such a profound affect on me.
The tagline says it all... "Starting over never tasted so good!"

I will leave you with this...
Do not under any circumstances see this movie on an empty stomach unless you are certain you will be able to get a decent meal afterward.  Just a heads up... you will probably crave meat.
Also, if you are a Father, I highly recommend you see this film.
If you are a Father with a son old enough for an "R" rating, I highly recommend you see it together.

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